
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I'm just a Milk Machine........

Buahaha, my personal rendition of "Love Machine". But seriously if you breastfeed, you pretty much are a walking "milk machine." All nursing mother's that I know try to make sure their supply is on point and dense in nutrition. You all know that I have struggled with low supply issues, that is not why I am now choosing to try Oat Mama bars.

My supply is on point for baby girl's daily needs. My goal now is to make a backup supply for emergencies and for mixing with solid foods. Yes, little miss is already at that point that solid foods are being introduced.

My first impression of Oat Mama bars is they smell really good. Nothing like a bar that smells gross to turn you off from eating it.

Aside from smelling amazing these bars are super dense, in a moist way. Not dry at all making it easy to eat and great for a snack. We have all had those bars out there that literally suck the moisture out of your taste buds, not these.

I also loved the personal touch from the Oat Mama's themselves, a hand written "thank you" letter.

What is in these bars that helps with supply? Each bar has rolled oats, ground flax seed, and brewers yeast in every serving. All these ingredients are known to help with lactation.

Now this is just my first day trying them. So far I can say I have noticed a change. I am feeling a bit fuller than normal ;). I will update this post on Friday after a few days of snacking on these bars with a better feel of how much fuller I actually am and hopefully adding milk to my backup supply.


Have you ever tried these bars? What did you think of them?

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