Perfect for Thanksgiving, this 4 ingredient, easy to make cranberry sauce is amazing. We have used this sauce for a few years now and its a favorite in our home.
All you needs is:
1/4 cup pure cranberry juice (no fruit cocktail juice)
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
1 cup honey
1 lb cranberries
First rinse cranberries and discard any that are soft or wrinkled.
In a 2-quart saucepan over medium-high heat combine orange juice, honey, and cranberry juice. Bring up to a boil and reduce to medium-low heat, then simmer for 5 minutes.
Add cranberries and cook for 15 minutes {exactly}, stirring occasionally. The cranberries will burst and the mixture will begin to thicken (will not be "thick" at this point). DO NOT cook beyond 15 minutes it will break down the pectin and the sauce will not set. So keep an eye on that clock!
{I wish I could bottle up the smell of this sauce cooking.} |
Remove from the heat and allow the cranberry mixture to cool for 5 minutes.
{Love th e color of cranberries, so festive, beautiful, and rich.} |
If you an extra fancy presentation carefully spoon in to 3 cup mold of your choice and refrigerate for 6 hours and up to overnight. Once set for minimum 6 hours in refrigerator overturn your mold to a plate, slice it up and serve. We prefer to put our in a container and just spoon it out.
{We made a double batch, so 2-pounds worth of cranberry sauce. That is why there is so much pictured.} |
We like to make this the night before to reduce the amount of items being cooked Thanksgiving Day. Cranberry sauce is good on just about anything in my opinion. My favorite way to enjoy cranberry sauce, not on fresh baked turkey, is on a bagel with cream cheese. Yummy!
Hope you enjoy this recipe and have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Gobble till you Wobble friends
~ Adrien