
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Let Love Bloom

One of a kind hand painted flower sign. Hand painted flower using Cece Caldwell's Kukui Stain & Finish on this salvaged pine solid wood board.
It's simple and perfect.

More to come ❤,

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Oat Mama Bar - Update

Update: So these Oat Mama bars are amazing! I have been able to add 7 ounces of milk to my backup supply after only pumping 5 times over the past 3 days. To keep pumping from interrupting my day I chose to pump after feeds when little miss went down for her naps during the day and directly after her last feed for the day when she went to sleep for the night.

I kind of forgot how much I dislike pumping but at least it has been worth it. I noticed the most increase in my supply when I waited one hour after little miss last fed before bed to pump, I was able to get 2.5 ounces. That may not seem like a lot to you but before I was eating these bars I was lucky to get 1 ounce. I also noticed a difference this morning. I can not remember the last time I woke up so full to the point that I leaked, but this morning I did. I almost did a happy dance. Who knew leaking would be a thing to celebrate, breastfeeding moms I know you understand.

I also really enjoyed the flavor of these bars and how dense they are, as mentioned in my previous post. They are super filling, making them a great snack. If you would like to try out these bars for yourself here is the link to their page

Have you tried these bars? What did you think of them?


*Disclaimer: I am not a brand rep or sponsored by Oat Mama. I bought these bars with my own money with hopes of improving my breastfeeding experience.*


We are a Seahawk's family. I have always loved watching football, my brother being a big Eagles fan (and seven years older) trained me young in the art of appreciating the game.

 To be honest as long as the Eagles are not playing against the Seahawk's I still root for the Eagles, they are my roots after all ;). I may not know all the technical terms but dang it I love a good game. I prefer games close in points, with a lot of back forth. I am not a big fan of shut outs. I am a very competitive person so I love the games to be competitive as well. There is just no fun in shut outs, even if my team is winning, but that is just me.

My husband does not care as long as the Seahawk's win :). He has been a Seahawk's fan since he was in high school, I've been a fan since we got married, no bandwagon fans here.

Now we are making sure to pass on the love of the game to our daughter. We do not care who she ends up rooting for when she gets older, we just want her to appreciate the game.

Plus, she is the cutest little football fan ever!

Here is to a great season,

What team do you and your family root for?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I miss being organized.......

Once upon a time I had an office job, way before my daughter was even on my radar. I had this awesome little office. My desk and drawers were always highly organized and clean. My inbox, desk and email, would always be empty by the time I left at the end of work day. My desktop would also be put back to its impeccable status. Nothing out of place, ever.

Heck my office was in such organized order I knew if someone was there looking for a pen to use. Not kidding and I loved how organized it was.

But for some reason I can not carry over that discipline to my house now. For the life of me, I can get it organized and beautiful, but then a few days go by and its like a bomb has gone off. No its not organized chaos either, it is just chaos!

Really it is not my whole house I have this problem with, it is mainly in our kitchen. Maybe it is because this space handles many things. Our kitchen is my office for making signs, storage for paint and all supplies (printer, vinyl cutter, shipping supplies, etc.), workout space, laundry room, and well a kitchen.

Or maybe its like this because our house we rent is 100+ years old and has extremely limited storage. I mean there are only 3 closets, 2 of which are single size closets. Either way, I see another purging and organizing session coming tomorrow. I just hope that baby girl will let me finish.

How do you stay organized? What are your tips and tricks I should use to stay on top of this multitasking space?


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I'm just a Milk Machine........

Buahaha, my personal rendition of "Love Machine". But seriously if you breastfeed, you pretty much are a walking "milk machine." All nursing mother's that I know try to make sure their supply is on point and dense in nutrition. You all know that I have struggled with low supply issues, that is not why I am now choosing to try Oat Mama bars.

My supply is on point for baby girl's daily needs. My goal now is to make a backup supply for emergencies and for mixing with solid foods. Yes, little miss is already at that point that solid foods are being introduced.

My first impression of Oat Mama bars is they smell really good. Nothing like a bar that smells gross to turn you off from eating it.

Aside from smelling amazing these bars are super dense, in a moist way. Not dry at all making it easy to eat and great for a snack. We have all had those bars out there that literally suck the moisture out of your taste buds, not these.

I also loved the personal touch from the Oat Mama's themselves, a hand written "thank you" letter.

What is in these bars that helps with supply? Each bar has rolled oats, ground flax seed, and brewers yeast in every serving. All these ingredients are known to help with lactation.

Now this is just my first day trying them. So far I can say I have noticed a change. I am feeling a bit fuller than normal ;). I will update this post on Friday after a few days of snacking on these bars with a better feel of how much fuller I actually am and hopefully adding milk to my backup supply.


Have you ever tried these bars? What did you think of them?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Creations: Desk painted with stain!

        This beauty is finally done!!! I am in love with this beautiful piece. This single seat school desk once destined for the garbage bin is now a beautiful functional piece of art. The blue paint I have decided to respectfully call "Caribbean blue" is perfect combination with the Kukui Stain & Finish. The "Caribbean Blue" is equal parts Santa Fe Turquoise, Blue Montana Sky, and Thomasville Teal (Cece Caldwell's Paints).

~ Adrien