
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

It's OK to need and take a break.........

I've been wanting to post on this for awhile, baby girl is finally napping so to get this done before she wakes.

Something I am learning is that it is perfectly alright and normal to need a break from your child. For longest time I always felt guilty for not wanting to be around my daughter all the time. I felt guilty for not thinking that being a mother is all rainbows and unicorns, amazing all the time. I felt guilty and angry at my self for not being "better".

We as parents need breaks from our kids, its healthy, its important, it gives us a chance to breathe, I am starting to learn this and accept it. I love my daughter with all I am and then some but I need breaks and that is OK.

I took the first break from my daughter in almost 7 months just a couple weeks ago. I did not go far just a 10 minute drive to a Christmas Craft fair with my mom and my grandma's. When she needed me, because this was last minute and we were out of town with no pumped milk, I was there to nurse and put her down for naps.

It felt great to get away and just be "me" with out my daughter constantly needing me. She hung out with her dad all day and they both survived.

I came back a better mom because of the break. I had more patience and I was less stressed. My daughter deserves a mom at her best and breaks let me be my best.

Funny to think that time away from your child can make you better but it does. So find a way to take a break. If it is a walk around the block while your child stays home with their other parent, a massage, a pedicure, a run, some time out with friends, whatever a break looks like to you take one.

Its OK to need a break.

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