
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The day I became a Mom! - My birth story

February 26th 2015

     Lets rewind to Saturday, February 21st. I woke up that morning and started having contractions. At this point in the pregnancy I was 41+ weeks along so I knew my baby could come any day. But Saturday was not that day. I had contractions that timed out to one every six minutes for 4hrs. They never increased intensity and never got closer in timing. But still we called my family that lived four hours out to make the drive to us because a lot could change in just a few hours. After my family arrived there was still no change, no increase or decrease in contractions. So we went walking and my contractions went down to one an hour.

     It was clear my child was not coming that day. That was the theme the following morning as well. So family drove back to their homes and we waited. That whole week I experienced contractions that would be 30 minutes to an hour apart but nothing happened. So I waited.


And waited some more...
(No baby. Headed out for breakfast February 22nd)
     In case you are wondering I was actually very patient. I was not that first time mom-to-be who was paranoid for being "past due". I knew if I went over, I planned on going over, that my baby just needed more time. I also really trusted the prenatal care team I had to make sure that baby and I stayed healthy. So I waited some more. Then came Wednesday, February 25th. I had an appointment and went in knowing they were going to discuss inducing for the following week.

      Now don't get all crazy, this hospital was pro natural. Natural labor beginnings and inducing. Actually my midwife Laura knew I was set on letting this baby come when it dang well pleased. Even if that meant being monitored daily to make sure all was well in the belly. So we discussed and decided to move forward with a membrane sweep, really simple procedure.

      Within 15 minutes of being swept I started having contractions. I was so excited because I knew I could be holding my baby soon. So we did what any parents to be would do, we went to Target. Love me some Target. I bought some last minute baby things and it was a way to keep me walking. The contractions continued so we decided to head home order pizza for dinner because neither of us wanted to cook and make the kitchen dirty if this was in fact the real deal. Finished dinner and decided to go to bed and rest as much as I could before the show really got going.

     Contractions were getting pretty good after dinner so I decided to jump in the shower to relax my body and went to bed. Woke up at 1:00am, two to three hours later in labor. At this point there was no going back to sleep. Took my husband 30 minutes to wake up to me laboring.

     Hahahaha, my heavy breathing finally stirred him. I was super excited this is finally happening, "honey start the timer." My contractions were 7-9 minutes apart and required me to work through them.

Yay, real contractions.

     At 1:30am my water broke, that or I had peed the bed. I heard that could happen. Called and informed the hospital my water had broken. Now to labor at home as long as I could. We took all the classes so we would know different ways to help me through contractions. Different ways my husband could help. I did not want help. I was better on my own and as long as I had something stable to hold on to I was good to go. Sometimes that was my husband but most of the time it was the counter or bed.

     3 hours later, I am done laboring at home. I had always planned a water birth and at that point needed some flotation pain relief. The hubs called the hospital and informed them we were coming in. The ride there was one of the worst parts laboring. We put a pillow on the back seat for my knees and I held on to the back of the seat sitting on my knees the entire car ride to the hospital. All I wanted was to get in the birthing tub.

Checked in at 5:00am.

      Got checked in and then the actual worst part of labor happened. They made me lay down so they could monitor the baby and I. That part took like 2 hours at least it felt like it took that long. It was horrendous. I needed to stand or be in the tub. Laboring laying down was not working for me. Once they were done I asked the nurse if I could get in the tub as it filled. I needed the tub.

     During my check in they informed I was 5 cm along. Yay only 5 more to go. I could do it but I needed the tub. After checking the temp to make sure it was hot enough the nurse helped me in as it finished filling. Oh precious relief. I knew I could do this. By this I mean non medicated birth. My goal all along was a non medicated birth, and in the tub I knew I could that.

     Just as I was getting in the tub the rest of my support team arrived. My momma Robin and my two sisters, Ceilidh and Kimber. Perfect timing. For the next 2 or so hours my sister Kimber rubbed my back. My sister Ceilidh put different essential oils on my neck, face, and chest. My momma verbally encouraged me face to face and my husband constantly brought me water, let me know he was there. They were amazing and just what I needed.
(Mom Robin, sister Ceilidh)
(Sister Kimber)

(Daddy to be)
9:00am ish.

     I had reached a point where mentally I was getting tired. I was tired of going through contractions. I just wanted my baby. For the love, I had crazy pressure in my pelvic region. "Mom I need them to check me", "Mom I think Im done" I said over and over. "Just check me. I need a status check."

     The nurses asked me that famous question, "do you feel like pooping?". What the heck?! Ok I hate that question, never did I feel like pooping. Never! Not because I find that gross. Hey it happens. But no I did not feel like pooping. I just had a lot of pressure with each contraction. Finally a nurse checked me. I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. Yay almost there. I can do this.

I tried pushing for 10 minutes in the tub. I just could not figure it out in the water.

      So I got out and they put my on a birthing bench to check the baby's position. Apparently baby was stuck at my pelvic bone, so on to the bed I went for what the nurse respectively called the dead beetle position.

     Exactly how it sounds. On your back feet in the air. It may not look pretty but it worked.
      At 9:43am my baby was born. They laid my baby on my tummy and my husband announced it was a girl!!!
     Yes, we were that crazy couple disciplined enough to not find out the gender till our baby was born and it was a girl. A girl! It was so worth waiting to find out.
     Once they were able to finally lay her on my chest, I relaxed. I finally, truly, exhaled. (In case you're wondering she had no complications, I just had a short umbilical cord.)
     I looked at my daughter and whispered, "Happy birthday Lilly, I love you".

(Skin to skin with daddy)

(My little thumb sucker)

(Those bright eyes)

(So much hair and daddys mini)

(First latch)
Lilly you are my dream come true. I pray I am always the momma you need.



  1. Adrien I guess I was one of the lucky one's who always felt like they had to poop lol. Was like that with all three of my kids! She is so lucky to have you as a mom! Much love!

    1. I guess I'm different. I just felt crazy waiting for the poop feeling but I never got that 😀lol. Thank you I really am loving this new life adventure being a momma.

  2. Loved reading your birth story. My plans for mine were simple, let things happen as they will and epidural all the way! But every woman is different and I'm so happy you were able to have your daughter the way you wished. ~E Meyer
